Case Study: The transformative impact of a $100,000 bequest to Angel Flight
In 2024, Angel Flight received a life-changing bequest of $100,000 from the family of a past patient who had been profoundly impacted by the service. The donor, who had personally experienced the challenges of travelling for medical treatment, decided to leave a legacy gift to ensure that others in similar situations would have access to […]
Rural Doctors Foundation partners with Angel Flight to improve access to healthcare in rural Australia
After the incredible success of their GPs4RuralDocs program launch, providing GP services to rural health practitioners, Rural Doctors Foundation are flying back out again – with Angel Flight in the pilot’s seat. GPs4RuralDocs is a program aimed at supporting rural health practitioners to keep them living and working in the rural communities that need them. […]
Angel Flight help Medical Miracle Tamworth Twins on their journey to health
The flight alleviated so much stress during an intense time
Cotton on to this!
Australian Cotton Conference raises $40,000 for Angel Flight Earlier this year, Angel Flight received an exciting phone call from Australian Cotton Conference secretariat Tracey Byrne-Morrison announcing Angel Flight as the 2024 Australian Cotton Conference beneficiary. Beyond honoured at the proposal, we promptly accepted and spent time preparing with conference organisers to leverage the opportunity with […]